
Google Sheets vs MS Excel - What to choose in 2020 ?

Google Sheets and MS Excel are the most popular for data  visualization and analysis tools in the market. So if you are asking which one fits better for task here's some points : - Performance and big data  : MS Excel wins this easily because its use your desktop and it has better performance then limited Google sheets cloud : Using formulas for big rows in Google sheets make your browser to consume too much ram and will crash. MS Excel VBA forms and scripts are much faster because its run your script immediately without checking authentication and quotas each time you run script MS Excel better in BIG data importing, If you have some big data and you import it to G Sheets it may cause your chrome crashing Google sheets is limited : 400,000  cells maximum of 256  columns  per  sheet .  Uploaded  spreadsheet  files that are converted to  Google spreadsheets  format can't be larger than 20MB, and need to be under 400...

Solution of : =IMPORTHTML() Errors : Could not fetch url

While I'm Importing table from HTML with =Importhtml() built-in function (Formula) an web page I had error : Could not fetch url.

Send List Emails With Time Trigger Google Sheets

There's many requests and questions about how to send bulk emails with good way to control how to send that data in specific time interval with Google Sheets and Google Apps Script, this tutorial will help you to achieve that.  How to use : In Spreadsheet Menu Click Tools and select Script Editor from spinner to go put your script, in Excel "Visual Basic" on developer mode. Open Google Apps Script file or create new one : File > New > Script File and name it with whatever you want . 1- Past the script in the bottom of Article and Save the Script. 2- Save the script. Click that button to save setup the trigger In that sample i make time trigger to run function sendEmails every hour ! What you need to change : Line 6: Sheet name is Emails on default you change it according to your sheet name Line 18: if status is not ready then skip that Email, if you want to avoid that type // in the start of the line. Line 21: Avoi...

Export and Email Specific Range in Google Sheets in CSV,PDF or XLSX

Script for Exporting a specific Range from spreadsheet and save it in drive or email it in attachment in CSV, PDF or XLSX . If you want to export just specific sheets in the spreadsheet just check this  Tutorial  . How to use it : In Spreadsheet Menu Click Tools and select Script Editor from spinner to go put your script, in Excel "Visual Basic" on developer mode. 1- Open Google Apps Script file or create new one : File > New > Script File and name it with whatever you want . 2- Past the script in the bottom of Article and Save the Script . What necessary to change : Line 5 : Range you want to export it. Line 6: Sheet who has that range . LINE 59 : Email Receiver, if you want to email a multiple emails just make comma between each email address e.g : ' ,,......'  . LINE 60 : replace Title word with whatever. LINE 61 : The body of Email. LINE 64 : The Attachment file name. ...

Instagram Analytics Template on Google Sheets

Template for Instagram Analytic of public profile on Google Sheets with graphs and dashboard, track followers,following and posts and changing for each, with script to save it in daily . Screen Snapshot : How to use it ?     The template is almost ready all you need is to setup the Time trigger for run the script everyday and save that day data with this way you can track every single day in " Raw Daily Data" sheet. Go to Menu > Tools > Script Editor. Click to Alarm icon to setup the Trigger options. Set Daily Time Trigger: After that run the script once close the script editor now everything is ready. The Spreadsheet API on Google Sheets with dashboard

Image is one from the best and Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations website, it gives how much the global currencies and cryptocurrencies (Bitcoins, ethereum,..) worth in hard currency , this free template help you to control and track changing that values with clear dashboard included with wallets and convert to any other hard currency 

Email a Custom Sheets as PDF in Attachment

Script export and send email of custom sheet on PDF in Attachment for Google Sheets with GAS (Google Apps Script) & Javascript Language, don't forget to change the variables according to your goal, read tips and watch video to understand more about how to run it even you are not a programmer